Please click on a service below to read more.

IT Governance ensures that Technology Departments follows a standard set of processes and practices to ensure IT runs efficiently and effectively. A sub section of the King Code of Corporate Governance – IT Governance is becoming essential in all organisations.

We conduct Security Architecture reviews as well as Vulnerability and Penetration testing – with detail reports of findings and remediation steps.We also provide clients with ongoing monitoring software which provides a view of your security posture at the click of a button and within minutes.

We help Business and IT to establish a view of the AS-IS architecture in lieu of mapping the TO-BE. We align and integrate Business, Data, Application and Technology architecture to ensure business and IT alignment.

The protection of personal information has taken global stage since the implementation of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In South Africa, the Protection of Personal Information (POPI) has come into effect from July 2020. We work with clients to assess and remediate to ensure compliance with the Act.

We align to Best practices and Standards to help assess and improve organisations Business Continuity Plans. We check policies, procedures, and practical application of the BCP.

Entelect offers end-to-end technology services and solutions through a set of best-practice, team-based engagement models that help our customers go from good to great.
We understand the true impact that non-delivery has on reputation and missed opportunities. Our teams have a proven track record of delivery in all aspects of creating technology solutions, from strategy and design to development, testing and rollout. We support great modern businesses in every industry who are differentiating themselves through technology.

We understand the requirements of deploying successful Technology projects and need to ensure stakeholder engagement at all levels. Phambili IT works along side its partners to ensure a successful Change Management program is adopted and implemented. We make use of various models (ADKAR, GE, etc) including our own Change model) We have expertise in the business and also partner with our sister company Change Dimensions ( if required.